Thank you page: Semi-automated medium exchange in Akura™ 96 and 384 Spheroid Microplates with the VIAFLO 96 and VIAFLO 384

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What our customers say about the VIAFLO 96 & VIAFLO 384


    "Absolute Game Changer!! Used it as a lab assistant in my university laboratory, it is butter smooth, easy and quick interface. I can now sit and drink coffee while the VIAFLO 96 does the job for me"

    Suhail Manekia

    AmpTech Solutions

    September 2024


    "We already have two Integra Viaflo devices that have become instrumental in the work we do due to their ease of use and speed."

    Daniel Belaski

    Tecan Genomics

    September 2024


    "Easy to use, accurate and fast, we love it and use it everyday in ou lab. A key drawback is the price of the tip boxes going with it, we'd really like you to develop a refill system so that you don't have to buy the box evrytime, as you do for your other types of pipettes."

    Yann-Vai Le Bihan

    The Institute of Cancer Research

    September 2024