
A step towards improving health
Accuracy, precision and reproducibility are essential for diagnostic assays, along with the capacity to rapidly ramp up testing when the need arises, which proved crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic. Molecular diagnostics techniques – like DNA sequencing, PCR and genotyping assays – also require streamlined workflows. Increase the rate and reproducibility of your assays with INTEGRA’s automated ASSIST PLUS pipetting robot – which can be equipped with any VIAFLO electronic pipette or VOYAGER adjustable tip spacing pipette – and the VIAFLO 96 or VIAFLO 384 handheld electronic pipettes, offering simultaneous transfer of up to 384 samples. Alternatively, use the compact MINI 96 electronic pipette for the combined benefits of increased speed and precision and convenient portability. Quick and easy to set up, these options enable high throughput while maintaining the flexibility to process partial plates and accommodate various types of labware. They also improve ergonomics.