30 days money back guarantee
Did you know that you can get a full refund on any INTEGRA instrument within 30 days of purchase if you’re not happy?
We want to give you the opportunity to try our products with complete peace of mind, so we’re offering full refunds for any instrument within 30 days of purchase if you’re not satisfied for any reason. Simply sign up for a demonstration of any instrument and, if you’re not happy with it, just return it back to us for a full refund.
INTEGRA’s refund program is valid according to the following criteria:
- Applicable to all instruments, but not consumables
- Instrument must not be broken or damaged, and must not have been used with biological contaminants or caustic solvents
- Product must be returned in its original packaging within 30 days of the invoice date
- A sales representative must have performed a demonstration of the instrument prior to purchase
- A return request form (available upon request) providing details on the reason for finding the product unsatisfactory must be completed
- INTEGRA will not be responsible for any return shipping fees incurred, but will reimburse 100 % of the original instrument cost
Book a demo and try our products without risk with our 30 day full money-back guarantee!
To benefit from this offer please contact INTEGRA Biosciences by email or phone and mention the promotional code “RISK FREE-2023” or clearly write the promotion code on all faxed purchase orders.This offer is valid for orders with a receipt date until July 31, 2023.
This offer is only available in Canada, France, Germany/Austria, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.