INTEGRA covers over 75 % of its own energy requirements
We have been pursuing the goal of the smallest possible ecological footprint for a long time. Our sustainability coordinator Dr. Ursula Leuthold regularly reviews all internal processes for their environmental friendliness. For example, we routinely look at the materials used for production, and have agreed with suppliers to reuse plastic pallets. In addition, we are committed to promoting the recycling of single-use consumables, and using sustainable energy supplies. By commissioning these new solar power systems in the USA, we have now reached our next important milestone.
Highly efficient solar power put into operation
Almost 1500 panels with double-sided solar cells were installed on the roofs of our two buildings in Hudson between September and December 2020. Capable of producing 817,000 kWh per year, they are expected to produce more than 19 million kWh over their service life. These systems will provide 77 percent of the total energy requirement for the two locations, saving as much CO2 as 2900 cars or 2300 single-family homes in the USA produce in a year.

All INTEGRA locations use renewable energy
Our building in Zizers also has a photovoltaic system, which was put into operation in March 2019. This system produces 106,000 kWh per year, of which we use 88000 kWh ourselves and feed the surplus into the grid, especially on weekends. In addition, we obtain 255,000 kWh from Swiss hydropower, which enables us to run the entire headquarters in Zizers – including heating and cooling – exclusively with renewable energy.
We are proud to have taken these steps towards sustainability, and we constantly review our processes to make them even more environmentally friendly.

In 2020, 43 percent of our employees came to work using a more sustainable form of transport, such as public transport, electric cars, on foot or by bike. We offer our team flexible working hours, home offices and free charging stations for electric cars, and we support programs that aim to make a positive impact on the environment, such as the UK’s Green Commute Initiative.
In order to keep improving, we are also assisted by the myclimate foundation. This program evaluates and monitors the effects of our global activities in accordance with the World Resources Institute’s internationally-recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, helping us to continually reduce our ecological footprint.
For more information about our sustainability program: Click here