Survey results manual vs. electronic pipettes
Survey results: choice of manual or electronic pipetting methods
The results from our survey1 regarding why laboratory professionals choose to use electronic pipettes (or not) are outlined below.
Do you use an electronic pipette?

Why do you prefer using manual pipettes?

Why do you use electronic pipettes?

How many hours a week do you pipette?

Have you ever experienced any prolonged upper limb injuries due to pipetting?

The responses to this short survey gave us insights into the ongoing popularity of manual pipettes in today’s digital age. Many labs continue to select manual pipettes over their electronic counterparts, despite the many benefits these digital solutions offer, primarily due to budget limitations. However, for many labs performing complex or high throughput testing, it may be time to move on from the comfort blanket of manual pipettes to an up-to-date solution that saves time and money.
- Win 1 of 20 VIAFLO electronic pipette kits | INTEGRA. Accessed November 8, 2022.